MN Cyber Range is a world-class training and simulation platform located in St. Paul that uses real-world scenarios and innovative technologies to ensure your cyber defense teams have the knowledge and experience they need to protect crucial information, systems and operations.

How are we different?

  • Standalone environment for training and for testing skills, technologies, and methodologies
  • Training improves individual and team skills while thwarting attacks rather than simply learning a set of cybersecurity tools
  • Improvement driven cyber training—extensive debrief capabilities provide impactful activity and timeline analysis highlighting strengths and weaknesses of individuals and teams
  • Customized scenarios and network topologies that mimic your own network environment—offers both IT and OT (SCADA) security
  • Automated, real or combination red team attacks
  • Train anyone (beginner to advanced, technical to executive), anywhere (classroom, on-site), anytime (24/7, 365 days access)
  • Multiple virtual classrooms are available that allow multiple teams to simultaneously train on different scenarios



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